American College of Lifestyle Medicine (ACLM) — Dietary Guidelines
15 Oct 2020
American College of Lifestyle Medicine (ACLM) is an organization that advocates Whole Food Plant-Based guidelines. ACLM organizes Lifestyle Medicine Conference annually; they offer Lifestyle Medicine Medicine Education (CME/CE) courses and they publish American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine.

LM (Lifestyle Medicine) is a medical specialty within mainstream Western medicine! Just like we need a license to practice cardiology or rheumatology, we need a license to practice LM (Lifestyle Medicine). Only MDs (doctors) can get such a license. Medical organizations like Kaiser Permenanente list Lifestyle Medicine Board Certified Providers in Kaiser (2024).

Sources: ACLM Food Plate (2022).
Just like the PCRM Food Plate, ACLM food plate has four main food groups: (1) Fruits, (2) Vegetables, (3) Whole Grains, and (4) Beans, along with Nuts & Seeds, Herbs & Spices consumed in small quantities.
Interestingly, the overall food plate is identical to food plate for adults (see slide above)!
Sources: ACLM Lifestyle Medicine Standards (2012; archived here).
Does ACLM recommend a Low Fat Diet? What target fat percentage do they recommend?

Fats: In 2012, ACLM recommended that total fats should be less than 15% of calories, to be derived from whole unprocessed plant sources, whenever possible.

Protein: In 2012, ACLM recommended that we should consume only 10-12% of our calories as proteins, preferably from plant sources. They also say that "Animal protein / higher protein % promotes cancer cell growth."

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