How Many Nuts & Seeds To Eat Daily?
3 Jan 2021
Studies on nuts show that nuts are awesome! Nuts help us lose weight, lower cholesterol levels and promote health in many other ways! Yet the healing protocols developed by Dr Esselstyn (for heart disease) and by the Mastering Diabetes duo (for diabetes) (see Take Home Messages from their book) ask us to follow a strictly low fat system. See The Emphasis on Low Fat. What's going on?

The video by Dr Greger below is an awesome explanation of what's going on.

(4 mins, 2019) Dr Greger's Actual Take on Nuts & Seeds and Heart Disease
Excerpts from Dr Greger's reply in the video above:

On paper, for cardiovascular disease, nuts are wonderful. Let's think of all the stages of atherosclerosis — hardening of the arteries, heart disease.

  • High cholesterol: nuts lower your choelsterol.
  • Inflammation: nuts are anti-inflammatory.
  • Endothelial function — the function of your arteries: nuts improve, within hours, endothelial function.

You look through every single one, and it's like, "Wow! Nuts improve cardiovascular risk factors!"

So one would assume that if we put people on a Whole Food Plant-Based diet with nuts, they would reverse their heart disease even better than a low fat Whole Food Plant-Based diet. Has this ever been put to the test? Not in randomized controlled trials.

For example, Dr Joel Fuhrman has published case reports showing that "Look, I can reverse people's heart disease with a nut rich — nuts, avocados, seeds — whole food sources of fat, I can reverse heart disease just as well as Ornishes, Pritikins and Esselstyns of the world, with a Whole Food Plant-Based diet with added whole food sources of fat."

But the problem is that these are case reports. These are individual cases patients who did that. We are yet to have a randomized controlled trial where you randomize people to different diets.

I would love to study where you put people on a low fat WFPB versus a WFPB with some walnuts and see if they got better. My educated guess is that walnut group does better. That's what I would guess.

But if I had heart disease, if I had a patient that had heart disease, if I had a loved one with heart disease. You don't make them into guinea pigs. You don't mess around. We have data from these randomized controlled trials. You put people on a WFPB diet that's low in fat, you reverse heart disease. That's the data we have! So what do you do? You go on that diet. You go on a diet that's proven to work.

Theoretically, I think there's a diet that's even better - that same diet with walnuts. If you want to be the one to put that to the test, go ahead. But that's not where the available data is.

If it wasn't life & death, "hey, let's give it a trial!" It's life & death, so you do what works. If Esselstyn's diet said WFPB and only eat green M&M's, I would say, "that makes absolutely no sense!" but "only green M&Ms" — this is the diet that works — this is the proven diet. So we stick to what's been proven to work until we know otherwise.

Dr Esselstyn

Several videos are listed below in which Dr Esselstyn explains his position on nuts & seeds for heart disease patients. He makes two points: (a) Nuts are addictive, and (b) We don't have studies showing that WFPB + nuts reverses heart disease. In future, such a study may emerge and it may turn out that eating extra nuts & avocados is just fine for heart disease reversal. However, so far, we don't have such a study — this is a gap in scientific knowledge as of 2021.

For example, at offset 0:50 of this video, Dr Esselstyn says,

(1) Nuts are addictive:

"How many times have I seen a patient who would eat 1 nut? Nuts are highly addictive! And if I ever go on record saying, "Nuts are OK", they're going to be in the glove compartment, they will be in the bathroom, in the kitchen, the dining room, the hallway, the work bench. That's just not what I want for my patients."

(2) Lack of studies on heart disease reversal with nuts:

"On Page 69 of my book, I have a passage where I say that I do not object to patients who do not have documented cardiovascular disease having nuts. However, once a diagnosis of cardiovascular disease is established, I do not like my patients to have nuts and avocados and additional fat because I have yet to see a single study in the medical literature where someone has patients who were seriously ill with cardiovascular disease and let them have peanut butter, nuts and cashew sauce, and have their disease reversed. I haven't seen that study."

More Articles & Videos

Dr T Colin Campbell: Evidence on Nut Consumption and Human Health (July 2016; updated Jan 2019) is a great article.

Jeff Nelson's Nut Controversy In 2018-2019, Jeff Nelson from VegSource published videos like Nuts Won't Save Your Life (Part 1) and Nuts Will Break Your Heart (2019). These videos prompted Dr Fuhrman and Dr Greger to make videos with responses.

(12 mins, 2021) Is There A Wrong Way To Eat Nuts? - Pam Popper, Michael Klaper
Very Low Fat Proponents

When it comes to dietary fat intake, Dr Esselstyn's food guidelines are arguably the strictest. But some WFPB doctors argue for even stricter guidelines! They explain that we don't even have to consume nuts, seeds, peanuts and avocados for Essential Fatty Acids (EFAs), and that it's possible to derive these EFAs from fruits and vegetables alone, if we chose them carefully and consume them in sufficient quantities! See Essential Fatty Acids for a discussion.

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