How To Lose Weight?
Weight Loss: An Overview

An overview of weight loss ideas that work and don't work.

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Weight Loss with Whole Food Plant-Based Diet


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WFPB Books on Obesity

All prominent Whole Food Plant-Based doctors have written a book on weight loss: Drs Greger, Fuhrman, Ornish, Barnard, McDougall, …

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Drink Water To Lose Weight?

Does boosting our water intake lead to weight loss?

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Portion Control and Calorie Counting

Calorie Counting and Portion Control are two common techniques in popular diets. When following Whole Food Plant-Based (WFPB) guidelines, we practice NO portion control (except for nuts n seeds) and NO calorie counting! Ain't that lovely?

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21 Tweaks by Dr Greger

Dr Greger's 21 Tweaks are from his book How Not To Diet (608 pages, 2019).

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Specific Foods for Weight Loss


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Exercise & Weight Loss

Dietary changes are far more effective than exercise for weight loss.

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Adequate Sleep


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Why Are Plant-Eaters Slimmer?


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Gut Flora & Obesity?

Could the bacterial colonies in our guts be responsible for weight loss? And what can we do about it? In the last 15 years, with a flood of studies centered around our microbiome, some theories have started emerging.

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Dr Greger on Overeating and Satiety


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How To Fix Your Fat Ass In Five Easy Steps


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