Obesity Among Indian Americans
"Standard Criteria": WHO guidelines define obesity as BMI ≥ 30.
"Asia Pacific / Indian Criteria": India-Specific BMI Cut-Offs for Obesity developed by Indian scientists define obesity as BMI ≥ 25.
Are 50% to 70% of Indian Amerians obese? CADI Research article: Obesity in Indian Americans explains:
Significant underestimation of overweight and obesity occurs when standard criteria is used.6, 7 Two cross sectional studies of Asian Indians in the US showed a mean BMI of 25 to 26.6, 7 Using the standard criteria (BMI >30) only 11% to 17% were obese, which increased to 50 -70% when Asia Pacific and/or Indian criteria (BMI >25) was used.6, 7 Thus Asian Indians in the US have the highest prevalence of obesity. Another 25% were overweight (BMI 23-25).6, 7
6. Misra R, Patel T, Kotha P, et al. Prevalence of diabetes, metabolic syndrome, and cardiovascular risk factors in US Asian Indians: results from a national study. Journal of diabetes and its complications. Mar 18 2009.
7. Palaniappan L P, Wong EC, Shin JJ, Fortmann SP, Lauderdale DS. Asian Americans have greater prevalence of metabolic syndrome despite lower body mass index. International journal of obesity (2005). Aug 3 2010.
(2018) Among 1,038 Asian Indian adults in
this study, 25% were overweight (BMI between 23 and 25 kg/m2) and 49.8% were obese (BMI ≥ 25 kg/m2) using the Asian criteria! Adults were chosen from 7 US cities—Houston, TX; Phoenix, AZ; Washington, DC; Boston, MA; San Diego, CA; Edison, NJ; and Parsippany, NJ. The mean BMI was 25.4 ± 3.7 kg/m2. [Source:
Vegetarian Diet and Cardiometabolic Risk among Asian Indians in the United States by Misra et al, KJ Diabetes Res. 2018]