Six Pillars of Lifestyle Medicine
1 Sep 2021
American College of Lifestyle Medicine has identified six pillars for optimum health:

Adoption of Whole Food Plant-Based guidelines is a critical part of healthy living. However, other factors also play a role. The six ACLM pillars for optimum health are:

  1. Healthful Eating: ACLM recommends a Whole Food Plant-Based diet.
  2. Physical Activity: See Physical Activity.
  3. Stress Management: In many health conditions, it's possible that we don't experience significant improvement in our health condition even if we diligently adopt these food guidelines. What's going on? Several sicknesses which are widely believed to be physical in nature are actually psychosomatic — our state of mind also plays a role! For example, see Is IBS Psychosomatic? Also see The Role Of Emotions where Drs Goldner, Sadeghi and Bulsiewicz explain that gastrointestinal and autoimmune conditions often have a mental component to them. Sometimes, healing of such conditions is possible only if we resolve some past trauma. Of special note is Kelly Turners on cancer survivors. See Kelly Turner: Radical Remission. Also see Lectures on Stress & Brain Function by Dr Peter Rogers
  4. Avoid Risky Substances: This guideline pertains to avoidance of alcohol and smoking, both of which are IARC Group 1 carcinogens. In other words, both smoking and alcohol are known to cause cancer. Many people know that smoking causes cancer. For details, see No Stimulants!No Alcohol?No Marijuana (Cannabis)?No Coffee?
  5. Sleep: See Matthew Walker: Sleep.
  6. Relationships: To see the power of relationships, see The Roseto Effect!
Longevity by Luigi Fontana

Dr Luigi Fontana is a world expert in longevity. His research papers showcase the multifactorial nature of many modern chronic lifestyle conditions. Let's see some examples.

A diagram from Changing the conversation from 'chronic disease' to 'chronic health' by Sophie Cassidy, Imre Hunyor, Ian Wilcox and Luigi Fontana, European Heart Journal, Sep 2021 has this diagram explaining how various lifestyle factors contribute to modern chronic conditions:

The diagram below appears in Dr Luigi Fontana's lecture: Lifestyle and prevention of cardiovascular disease | Part 1 (17 mins, 2020):


A diagram from Lifestyle interventions for the prevention and treatment of hypertension by Pedro Valenzuela and others, Nature Reviews Cardiology 18, 251-275 (2021) has these diagrams which explain the combined effect of various lifestyle factors on hypertension:


Source: Unknown (from a video by Dr Luigi Fontana).

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