British Dietetic Association (BDA) — Dietary Guidelines
28 Apr 2022
How well do dietary guidelines by British Dietetic Association (BDA) align with those by Plant-Based Organizations like ACLM, PCRM, PBHP (UK), Plantrician Project, DFN, and PAN? Do they endorse a vegan or plant-only food system?
Sources: Vegetarian, vegan and plant-based diet (Food Fact Sheet) by British Dietetic Association, 2021; Available as HTML too.
Sources: (1) Vegetarian, vegan and plant-based diet (Food Fact Sheet) by British Dietetic Association, 2021; Available as HTML too. (2) Eating patterns for health and environmental sustainability by British Dietetics Association, One Blue Dot, published 2018, revised 2020.
Sources: Making our favourite meals more sustainable by British Dietetic Association, One Blue Dot, 2018.
Sources: Making our favourite meals more sustainable by British Dietetic Association, One Blue Dot, 2018.
One Blue Dot

One Blue Dot is BDA's environmentally sustainable diet project. BDA recognizes that a shift towards food plates with more plant foods and fewer animal foods improves not only our health but also helps our environment! For example, BDA Food Fact Sheet for Plant-Based Diet (PDF) mentions:

Sustainable eating

"In the UK, it is estimated that well-planned, completely plant-based, or vegan, diets need just one third of the fertile land, fresh water and energy of the typical British 'meat-and-dairy' based diet."

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