Coconut Oil
16 Dec 2021

All Whole Food Plant-Based docs discourage coconut oil.
(2021) American Heart Association

An excerpt from 2021 Dietary Guidance to Improve Cardiovascular Health: A Scientific Statement From the American Heart Association, Circulation (2021), Volume 144, Number 23 below. Coconut oil is clearly discouraged for heart health.

AHA PRESIDENTIAL ADVISORY: Dietary Fats and Cardiovascular Disease A Presidential Advisory From the American Heart Association, Circulation (2017), Volume 136, Number 3 has an entire section on coconut oil: Jeff Novick: (2022) The Real Coconut Oil Miracle: How a High-Fat, High-Calorie Condiment Became a "Superfood" This article traces the history of coconut oil in US dietary guidelines & food industry. This article cites the Presidential Advisory above, along with papers like these from Circulation, a cardiology journal:

An excerpt from The Effect of Coconut Oil Consumption on Cardiovascular Risk Factors: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Clinical Trials, Circulation (2020), Volume 141, Number 10:

"Coconut oil consumption results in significantly higher LDL-cholesterol than nontropical vegetable oils."

An excerpt from Coconut Oil and Heart Health: Fact or Fiction? Circulation (2020) Volume 141, Number 10:

"Coconut oil may be viewed as one of the most deleterious cooking oils that increases risk for cardiovascular disease. Even in comparison with palm oil, another tropical oil with high saturated fat content, coconut oil increased LDL cholesterol."

Ornish Lifestyle Medicine

An excerpt from Coconut Oil: Why You Should Question the Hype at Ornish Lifestyle Medicine:

Source: Coconut Oil: Why You Should Question the Hype at Ornish Lifestyle Medicine.
An excerpt from Animal Protein? Avocados? Coconut Oil? Sorting Food Facts from Fiction at Ornish Lifestyle Medicine:

(2017) What About Coconuts, Coconut Milk, & Coconut Oil MCTs?

(7 mins) Transcript. Summary: Myriad details of how coconut oil raises cholesterol; how the coconut oil industry emphasizes MCTs (Medium Length Triglycerides) in coconut oils, forgetting the non-MCT oils that actually raise cholesterol.


Coconut oil proponents also try to argue that coconut oil has MCTs—medium chain triglycerides—shorter-chain saturated fats that aren’t as bad as the longer-chain saturated fats in meat and dairy. But you can’t apply the MCT research to coconut oil. Why? MCT oil is composed of MCTs, the medium chain fats, caprylic and capric acid, about 50% of each, whereas those MCTs make up only like 10% of the coconut oil. Most of coconut oil is the cholesterol-raising longer-chain saturated fats, lauric and myristic. “It is therefore inaccurate to consider coconut oil to contain…predominantly [MCTs].” So, you can’t extrapolate from MCT studies to coconut oil.

That’s actually quite a common misconception, that the saturated fat in coconut oil is mainly MCTs. Actually, coconut oil is mainly lauric and myristic, which have potent LDL (bad cholesterol)-raising effects. “Coconut oil should therefore not be advised for people who should or want to reduce their risk of” the #1 killer of U.S. men and women—heart disease.

So, basically “coconut oil should be [treated no] differently than [animal] sources of dietary saturated fat.” The latest review, published in March 2017 in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology, put it even more simply in their recommendations for patients: “Avoid.”

A the very end of this video, Dr Greger cites a recent review: Trending Cardiovascular Nutrition Controversies by Freeman et al, Journal of the American College of Cardiology, Volume 69, Issue 9, March 2017. This review paper has an entire section on coconut oil. They recommend avoiding both coconut oil (and palm oil) for heart health.
(2013) Does Coconut Oil Clog Arteries?

(5 mins) Transcript. Dr Greger's summary: "Sellers of coconut oil use a beef industry tactic to downplay the risks associated with the saturated fat in their products."

(2017) Coconut Oil & the Boost in HDL "Good" Cholesterol

(6 mins) Transcript. Dr Greger's summary: "The effects of coconut oil are compared to butter and tallow. Even if virgin coconut oil and other saturated fats raise LDL 'bad' cholesterol, isn't that countered by the increase in HDL 'good' cholesterol?"

(2020) Coconut Oil & Abdominal Fat

(4 mins) Transcript. Dr Greger's summary: "What does a review of the evidence on the effects of coconut oil on weight loss and belly fat find?"

(2013) Does Coconut Oil Cure Alzheimer's?

(3 mins) Transcript. Dr Greger's summary: "Though there have been more than a thousand papers published on coconut oil in medical journals, there is little evidence it helps with Alzheime's disease."

(2017) Eczema Treatment with Coconut Oil, Mineral Oil vs Vaseline

(9 mins) Transcript. Dr Greger's summary: "Natural topical remedies for eczema, including licorice root gel, St. John's Wort cream, and emollients such as coconut oil, mineral oil, and petroleum jelly, are put to the test."

Dr Klaper
(3 mins, 2022) Coconut Meat - Coconut Oil Vs. Whole Coconut Meat

YouTube video summary:

Dr Klaper offers health advice on whether or not whole coconut meat has any health benefits. He explains why coconut oil on its own is not good for the body and can cause health issues. However, he does give coconut meat and eating coconut as a whole food the thumbs up!

Other Docs

Nutrition Studies:

Additional videos:

(14 mins, 2016) Coconut Oil — Dr Pam Popper
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