Dr Esselstyn: Meat, Fish, Eggs & Dairy
10 Dec 2022
Dr Esselstyn asks us to stay away from meat, fish, eggs and dairy — complete abstinence; No Moderation! he emphasizes.
No Meat

"No fowl, no pork, no beef, no chicken, no mussels, no white meat, no red meat, no shrimp, no fish, … nothing with a face; nothing that poops!" — offset 2:15 of Jane & Ann's video.

People often seek meat for protein. Dr Esselstyn's FAQ explains:

Question: Where do I get my protein / What protein drink is best?

Dr Esselstyn: "The protein available in a diet of whole grains, legumes, fruit and beans, and red, yellow and green vegetables is adequate to nourish even professional champion athletes such as those who compete in the iron man races, professional football, mixed marshal arts, track and field. Avoid protein drinks. The extra protein is truly unnecessary and has the potential for harm if it contains animal protein."

No Fish

No freshwater fish; no omega-3 rich fish; no fish whatsoever.

Fish oil: Esselstyn FAQ explains:

Question: Should I take fish oil?

Dr Esselstyn: "Fish oil is not essential. Fish get their omega 3 from plants. It is difficult to be deficient in Omega 3 if eating 1-2 tablespoons of flax seed meal or chia seeds and green leafy vegetables at several meals. There is also research that suggests that those on plant based nutrition become highly efficient in their own manufacture of omega 3. Patients on fish oil are also at increased risk for bleeding, and studies now indicate they are of no benefit for heart disease patients."

(14 mins, 2018) Eating Fish Gives You Highest Rate Of TMAO. Highest Rates Of TMAO Had Most Severe Cardiovascular
No Eggs

No egg yolks; no egg whites; no eggnog; no eggs or egg derivatives of any sort. "Eggs are out." — offset 3:22 of Jane & Ann's video.

Dr Esselstyn FAQ explains:

"Egg whites, fat free milk and yogurt are ALL animal protein, and animal protein injures the lining of the arteries. Do not eat." — Dr Esselstyn

No Dairy

"No milk, no yogurt, no ice cream, no cheese, no butter" and "No cakes, no cookies, no pies with dairy" (there are ways to prepare these without dairy) — offset 2:34 of Jane & Ann's video.

Dr Esselstyn FAQ explains:

"Egg whites, fat free milk and yogurt are ALL animal protein, and animal protein injures the lining of the arteries. Do not eat." — Dr Esselstyn

For my Indian friends, I'd like to add, "no 'ghee' (clarified butter), no 'makhan', no 'paneer', no 'khoya', no 'mawa', no 'chhacch' (buttermilk), no '1% milk', no 'fat free milk', no 'goat milk', no 'sheep milk', no 'yak milk', … no milk or milk products at all! We can watch Dr Bimal Chhajer's videos on milk, ghee, butter and buttermilk (in Hindi).

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