Dr Peter Rogers: Hypertension & WFPB
4 Dec 2021
What does Dr Peter Rogers say about hypertension and WFPB guidelines? In one of his FaceBook comments, he mentioned:

"HTN is a much worse disease than is widely recognized. Very high BP increases risk of brain parenchymal hemorrhage. Chronic moderately high BP increases the risk of capillary wall hypertrophy, will resultant decrease in oxygen & glucose delivery to brain tissue. Overtreated HTN increases risk of decreased oxygen & glucose delivery to brain tissue. The best option is very low fat, low sodium, vegan diet = to optimize blood flow to neurons. And avoid caffeine, aspartame, MSG, MfG = to avoid unnecessary ramping up of hippocampal (memory center) synapse glutamate transmission = increases neuron metabolic demand. If simultaneously increase neuron metabolic demand & decrease oxygen & glucose & antioxidant delivery → increase risk of neurons cannot meet their metabolic demands → and go into programmed cell death = apoptosis (can also call it excitotoxicity induced & OGD (Oxygen Glucose Deprivation) induced apoptosis. That's the main cause of neuronal loss."

Related videos: Lectures on Blood Flow by Dr Peter Rogers.

Books mentioned in the videos below:

(11 mins, 2021) What Causes Hypertension - Part 1
(16 mins, 2021) What Causes Hypertension - Part 2

A highly technical video that digs into the biochemistry of hypertension.

(39 mins, 2023) Sodium, Hypertension, Richard Moore & Walter Kempner

Previous version: here (39 mins, 2022).

(7 mins, 2021) Is Sodium Okay to Eat?
(142 mins, 2022) Atherosclerosis, Hypertension and Diabetes | Chef AJ

Dr Peter Rogers gave this 2-hr lecture on Chef AJ Youtube channel. Full of information! It combines insights from several other videos into one compact and cohesive presentation.

(5 mins, 2022) Yanomamo, Low Sodium, No HTN, No Obesity, Active & Fit in Hot Climate | Dr Peter Rogers
(13 mins, 2023) Are Blacks & Whites Doomed To Hypertension?

Previous version: here (13 mins, 2022).

(13 mins, 2023) Diabetes, Hypertension, & Capillary Basement Membrane Thickening: Is It A Big Deal?

Previous version: here (13 mins, 2022).

[Great Video!] Is diabetes & hypertension related to dementia? An insightful presentation by Dr Peter Rogers.

Key idea: capillary wall thickening ("capillary basement membrane" in particular; such thickening is a common feature of diabetes and hypertension due to scarring and inflammation of capillaries) → reduced oxygen supply to cellular structures (neurons, for example) → neuron death → cognitive impairment (dementia).

[The situation is exacerbated by factors like rouleaux formation of RBCs ('blood sludge effect' due to high fat meals), vasoconstriction due to excess sodium (and low potassium, low magnesium), and ramping up of neuronal metabolic demand due to excitotoxins (found in processed foods with MSG, MfG and so on). All of these concepts are explained in detail in other videos by Dr Peter Rogers.]

What to do? Take diabetes and hypertension very seriously (before we become cognitively so impaired that it's too late to take any action): adopt Low Fat, Low Sodium WFPB guidelines diligently. Avoid processed foods.

(13 mins, 2022) Sodium & Hypertension: Update
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