Dr Peter Rogers & Soy
16 May 2022
Do WFPB docs recommend soy? Yes! Check out Is Soy Healthy? But Dr Peter Rogers stands out. He's a WFPB doc who stays away from soy! What's his reasoning? See the 16-min video below. In a FaceBook comment, he shared the following narrative:

"Japanese used to have low cancer rates when got most calories from rice, and ate a very low fat diet. Dietary fat increases tissue hypoxia, which increases cancer risk. Soy is high fat, at 37% fat. Elevated estrogen is a/w increased breast, uterine, prostate cancer. Some say that soy predominantly activates the "good" estrogen receptor beta (ER-B), and not the "bad" ER-A. However, if one actually looks at the Mueller paper - which is available free- it's obvious that soy is shown to activate both ER-B & A. Soy has thousands of times more estrogen than most other foods. Birth control pills are typically EE2 (Ethinyl EstraDi-ol). Why take birth control pills, when you can eat soy? Are you concerned about your hyper-masculinity? Eat more soy! Soy is goitrogenic, meaning that it can potentially decrease thyroid function. Soy contains heme iron which is unusual for a plant. Most men, and postmenopausal women are iron overloaded. They don't need to be eating heme iron. Soy increases ILGF quite a bit. Elevated ILGF is a/w increased cancer risk. Soy is often processed with hexane. Nonorganic soy is sprayed with toxic herbicides. So other than all that, Its a great food!"

(16 mins, 2022) Is Soy Good For You?
(35 mins, 2023) Is Soy A Health Food?
(8 mins, 2022) Soy Challenge
(7 mins, 2023) The Soy Papers Big Secret
(11 mins, 2023) Does Flax & Soy Cause Endometriosis, etc?

Excerpt from YouTube video description:

"Flax & soy are highly estrogenic. That's reason enough to avoid them. Video explains other problems with flax & soy; endometriosis is covered at the end."

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