Faith & Healing — Dr Peter Rogers
4 Jun 2022
In 2015, Kelly Turner wrote this lovely book: Radical Remission by Kelly Turner (336 pages, 2015) based on her PhD thesis at UC Berkeley. She interviewed hundreds of cancer survivors. She was curious: how did they do it? Kelly identified 9 factors that were common to them (see pic below). Two factors are physical (#1: Diet, #4: Herbs & Supplements). The other 7 factors are psycho-social-spiritual! Factor #8 is Deepening your Spiritual Connection.

ACLM (American College of LifestyleMedicine, which advocates Low Fat WFPB guidelines) has identified 6 pillars: "Eat Plants", "Keep Moving", "Sleep Well", "Manage Stress", "Maintain Good Relationships", and "Avoid Substance Abuse". In the West, we have a sharp divide between 'church' and 'state', and between 'religion' and 'science' due to historical reasons. Is it plausible that ACLM's Six Pillars are missing a powerful and independent seventh pillar called 'Deepen Your Spiritual Connection'?

Dr Peter Rogers

A lovely video by Dr Peter Rogers along the lines of strengthening our spiritual connection! He spends the first few mins exploring religion from Western philosophy perspective. He then moves on to summarize several studies showing that those who are religious by nature are known to have better physical health. The final section of the video is his personal experience and personal observations. The very last part is where he narrates a moving story: how his mom saved a child's life in an ICU. All in all, a wonderful video that I enjoyed watching. Thank you for making it!

(24 mins, 2022) Does God exist? Religion effect on health: Does it matter? Harold Koenig Manna Dey, Stephen Meyer Eric

Previous version: here (24 mins, 2022)

(11 mins, 2022) Does Science Need God?

Previous version: here (11 mins, 2022)

In a FaceBook message, Dr Peter Rogers wrote:

"Harold Koenig MD wrote a book about the beneficial effect of religious faith (any of the major religions). They live healthier and longer. They're less likely to abuse tobacco, alcohol, other drugs. Less likely to divorce. Less likely to commit suicide. Modern people tend to go to public schools which teach them to scorn religion. There is a lot of wisdom in the old traditions."

"The Blue Zones by Dan Beuttner also describes how the populations that are the healthiest in the world are all religious. Look at the longest lived persons in the world, the Seventh Day Adventist Vegans in California. They are quite religious."

"Religion helps a person to answer the metaphysical questions; adds meaning and purpose to life; makes people happier. Eg. in Chrisianity, an illiterate peasant is equal to a King before the eyes of God. In atheistic Darwinism (the default setting of American universities & many countries), an illiterate peasant is just a talking primate, with no intrinsic rights, and not much different than a farm animal who is owned by his secular ruler. That is how it has been in most countries since the beginning or recorded history."

Dr Harold Koenig wrote multiple books on the theme. One of them is Medicine, Religion, and Health: Where Science and Spirituality Meet (240 pages, 2008) by Harold Koenig, MD.
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