Lectures on Women's Health by Dr Peter Rogers
8 May 2022
Is excess estrogen a major underlying cause of women's health problems? Yes, says Dr Peter Rogers in the videos below. Dr Neal Barnard's book Your Body In Balance (352 pages, 2020) has the same essential idea! For more information, see What Causes Menstrual Pain? and articles in the section Body In Balance.
(10 mins, 2021) Why You Are Probably Estrogen Overloaded
(13 mins, 2021) How to Lower Estrogen Levels
(37 mins, 2022) Female Problems, Estrogen, Estrogenic Disrupting Chemicals, How To Lower Estrogen Levels and …

The first several minutes of this video explain that a large number of women's health problems may be attributed to excess estrogen. The presentation then becomes very technical as Dr Peter Rogers delves into the molecular structure of estrogenic compounds & some biochemistry. Towards the end, the narration becomes not-so-technical.

(10 mins, 2023) Postmenopausal Female Dietary Death Spiral with Calcium

Previous version: here (10 mins, 2022)

(5 mins, 2021) How To Save Your Mother

This video focuses on minimizing our risk of premature death due to breast cancer.

(4 mins, 2022) Female Fertilitys Surprise: Fibroid, Thyroid, Estrogenics, Infections, Scars …
(12 mins, 2023) Does Hysterectomy Make You Stupid?

YouTube video description:

"Menstruation is a therapeutic phlebotomy, monthly. Lowers hematocrit = lowers blood viscosity. Menstruation also makes RBC's more flexible = deformable = better able to pass through capillaries = lowers BP. Avoiding HTN protects premenopausal women from atherosclerosis. When a women gets a hysterectomy at a young age, like less than 35 yo, she has increased risk of CHF, MI, HTN = increased risk for earlier onset stroke & dementia." — Dr Peter Rogers

Estrogenic Compounds
(29 mins, 2023) Intro To Estrogen & Estrogenic Chemistry
(9 mins, 2022) Corn Syrup, Atrazine, Water & Your Health & Frogs
(6 mins, 2023) What's Real Reason Sperm Counts Are Down & Testosterone Levels

YouTube video description:

"Shampoos & moisturizers usually have estrogenic preservatives that are transdermally absorbed. Direct application near the testosterone factory increases local concentration. Other causes of decreased testosterone include cell phone in front pocket, laptop on lap, diet of meat & processed food, herbicides on nonorganic food, beer, estrogen in milk, sunscreen, BPA & phthalates in plastics, aluminum metalloestrogen i deodorants, estrogenic chemicals in tap water."

(11 mins, 2023) Does Flax & Soy Cause Endometriosis, etc?

Excerpt from YouTube video description:

"Flax & soy are highly estrogenic. That's reason enough to avoid them. Video explains other problems with flax & soy; endometriosis is covered at the end."

(35 mins, 2023) Is Soy A Health Food?

Dr Peter Rogers expresses several concerns with soy including 'high estrogen levels'.

(11 mins, 2023) Are You Sterilizing Yourself Out Of Ignorance?
(3 mins, 2023) Is Lavender Estrogenic?
(1 min, 2023) Is Marijuana Estrogenic?
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